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Choices, Choices....

Choices appeal to just about everybody: Philz or Blue Bottle? Kombucha or Kefir? Truly or White Claw? Which is when I find an Unsubscribe Page that only offers a Global Opt In/Opt Out - it drives me crazy. An overwhelming majority of people I’ve talked to this year have been using the default Marketo unsubscribe page, a basic “all or nothing” option. You know the one:


I am willing to bet that the majority of your prospects or customers don’t necessarily want complete silence - they want choices. They may not be ready to engage in a sales demo or attend a 45 minute webinar, but are still interested in your product, your board members, series funding, or customer testimonials - especially if they are in the same industry.

A few reasons to have a strong Preference Center:

  • Proper unsub treatment is legally required, punishable by steep fines

  • Opted out leads take up space in Marketo’s database, which costs money. If they really do want to unsub, let them be free, it’s better for both of you

  • Unengaged leads negatively impact deliverability and performance metrics

  • Without options, many people choose the “all or nothing” approach, which can reduce the size of your email list.

Your Email Preference Center is an opportunity to shine. This page should:

  • Allow visitors to opt in/out of various types of emails, e.g. Event Invitations, Product Updates, Executive Team Updates, etc.

  • Reinforce your brand with the correct colors, fonts, and images.

  • Emphasize your value proposition! Reminding visitors why they subscribed in the first place - what is unique about your brand, your technology, your voice.

  • Guide visitors to additional parts of the site, including Resources, Solutions, and Support.

TL;DR: People like choices. Take a moment to consider your own user experiences, how many times have you amended your options instead of completely opting out?


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